Thursday, January 20, 2011

For a voice like thunder! latest little work of art here. It didn't turn out like I had anticipated and I'm not sure if I'm happy with it, but that's how it goes with almost everything I write. I had planned on writing a longer blog yesterday (there are two things I really want to share) and didn't get to it...I don't have time now for one either, sadly, but if you're reading this, more will be coming soon, I promise! Also, if you are reading this, also know that this is a copyrighted poem and is illegal to use without my permission.

For a voice like thunder

Oh for a voice like thunder!
To carry over the hills
To put all other sounds asunder
To awe, to frighten, to thrill
A voice to send the earth trembling
And make the very heavens cower

Oh for a strength like the wind!
To reach out to the mightiest foes
To know the right moment to bend
To cause ancient trees to bow and every cheek to glow
A force to humble the mighty and proud
And make the very mountains shudder


Oh for a passion like fire!
To burn in the darkest of nights
To blaze though all the world conspires
To put to death every fragment of light
A flame to melt the coldest hearts
And make the very shadows dance


If I had a voice like thunder, I should make my thoughts be heard
And with a strength like the wind and passion such as fire
From my path I could never be deterred


Guess who? ;) said...

This my dear, is a work of art!

I just want to get you to make a copy and sign it for me so that I can plaster it on my wall! You should make a collection of your poems!

So what do you mean by copyrighted? Not that I would EVER use any of your work without persmission of course, but how is it different than any of your other poems that you have posted? Or is this like the first one you have put up online?

NeverHugARose said...

Ok so taht comment sounded kind of Creeperish. So yeah that was me.

The Writer said...

LOL!!!! of COURSE I knew it was you :) Your wish is my command! I'll send you something ASAP.

Oh, and I said the copyright thing because basically, anyone can view this blog, and I don't want anyone stealing it. I don't think anyone will, but...better safe than sorry.

Kennesa said...

Wow Leslie!
This peom is wonderful! You really need to send me a few of your peoms so I can read them.